LCM100 Laundry Monitor

LCM100 Laundry Monitor (β and γ) is mainly used in radioactive sites such as nuclear power plants, nuclear material operation rooms, and reprocessing plants, to detect the β or γ radioactive contamination of work clothes, shirts, gloves, shoes, hats, and other items worn by workers in radioactive controlled areas, and automatically sort clean or contaminated items into different types of transfer boxes. It is necessary to distinguish whether the objects are contaminated before cleaning. After cleaning, the objects should be measured again to check whether there are still radioactive substances remaining.

Product Categories

  • Measurement type: β (β Type), γ (γ Type)
  • Detectors: β type: a large-area thin plastic scintillator; γ type: a large size plastic scintillator
  • Energy range: 48 keV~3 MeV
  • Response time: < 200 ms
  • Lower limits of detection (confidence level 90%, measurement time 10s): β type: ≤0.4 Bq/cm2 (90Sr+90Y, environmental background 0.2 μGy/h, source distance from detector 2cm); γ type: ≤4500 Bq  (60Co, environmental background 5 μGy/h, source distance from detector 2.5 cm)
  • Overall dimensions: about 2600 mm × 1503 mm × 1548 mm (L×W×H)
  • Weight: 2150 kg
  • Power supply: AC 220 V ± 10%, 50 Hz ± 10%
  • Operating environment: Temperature: -10~50 ℃ ; Relative humidity: 40%~95% (35 ℃)

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