PING-50 Monitoring System for Radioactive Aerosol, Iodine and Inert Gas

PING-50 Monitoring System for Radioactive Aerosol, Iodine and Inert Gas

The device is designed for monitoring the gaseous effluents from various types of reactors and nuclear facilities. It primarily measures a/b radioactive aerosols, radioactive iodine, and radioactive inert gas such as argon, krypton, and xenon.

Product Categories

S/N  Type Notes
1 PIG general type Applicable to monitoring gaseous effluents (radioactive aerosols, iodine, and inert gas) from various types of reactors and nuclear facilities
2 PIG acid- proof type Designed for special environments where corrosive conditions may exist, used for monitoring radioactive aerosol, iodine, and inert gas
3 PI type Designed for measurement of radioactive aerosol and iodine
4 PG type Designed for measurement of radioactive aerosol and inert gas
5 Safety-level type Meets stringent safety requirements such as resistance to earthquake, shock, and thermal aging

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